Friday, August 15, 2008

Supernatural Transformation and Holiness--Joseph Prince

This is a great clip of Joseph Prince preaching on holiness and the purpose of the law vs. grace. If you have a couple of minutes it's worth watching, and I'd love to hear what you think of it. I love this quote from it:

"All true transformation is unconscious."


Alan Hiu said...

Hi Julie, I'm full of joy to see that you have found this... Joseph Prince is the biggest pointer of grace I have ever found. This fellow just points everything to Jesus!

Do get hold of the book "Destined to Reign". Praise God, you are destined to reign indeed....

jul said...

Hi Alan, I just started reading his book. Just got in a shipment of cd's, dvd's and the book! I've enjoyed Joseph Prince here and there for quite a while there and he has some amazing revelations to share, though I have to say Rob is still my favorite (and Bertie Brits for the most radical grace message) if it's ok to have a favorite. But my top three Rob, Bertie, and Joseph. Of course I love anyone who preaches grace!

Alan Hiu said...

It is absolutely Ok to have your favorite. They too have their own men of faith to look to. We need to stand on their shoulders to see the things of God. At least, we are standing on the "right" shoulders...

We might favor different grace preacher maybe it is because of our cultural background or social differences; but grace is still the focus.

I listen more to Joseph Prince, then Andrew Wommack and Rob Rufus. They listen to each other as well... We even have the Book of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in our Bible...


silent wings said...

Hi Julie,

How are you enjoying the book? I just purchased another one last week and I'm waiting for it to come in. :) Devoured my first one quickly and then gave it away (Marc never even had a chance to read it ) Haha Let me know what you think of the cd's? I really appreciate the way JP helps reveal the types/shadows of Jesus and the cross throughout the OT. Good Stuff! Had some time to listen to Bertie this week too. Missed it alot! God is so good!

lydia said...

I love this quote "All true transformation is unconscious." It starts with right believing and just goes from there.....
Do you suppose this quote applies just to character transformation, or do you think it could apply to emotion transformation, and health transformation, in other words the whole person transforming unconsciously by continuing to further in one's revelation of grace..........
Joseph Prince seems to teach healing in a way different way than many healing teachers, his way of teaching on the subject seems to me, effortless - so I just thought perhaps it could apply to our healing and health as well as our emotional well being - any thoughts????