Thursday, April 28, 2005

two things

It's pretty sad but I have two things on my mind primarily. I think the foremost is that I"m very uncomfortable. Just a bit self-centered? O.k. I'm almost 38 weeks pregnant and some days literally angry at God and everyone else for the inconvenience and pain of it. I'm very irritable to say the least but I know I'm wrong. Very wrong. I don't care what pop psychology says, it's definately very sinful to be angry with God. And the other thing on my mind is that good friends of ours are in trouble. I'm so tired of watching marriages, particularly Christian marriages, dying in the face of adultery. Maybe this one won't die, but the last two I've watched this past year have. First case, adulterer unwilling to repent, spouse willing to forgive. Second, adulterer repentant, spouse like the guy who is forgiven a great debt and then unwilling to forgive the guy that owes him a little. This most recent case, adulterer currently unrepentant. And he's a great guy. And we love him still. The weird thing is this time we get to watch a church actually follow Biblical instruction on dealing with it. So maybe his soul will actually be saved. Maybe even the marriage. His wife is all grace. Hopefully we will be too. Anyway, isn't it the way of humans to be more concerned with our own petty problems? I know watching these events unfold has made me a 100 times more thankful for my husband and how God has worked in our marriage over the last 10 years. There's no earthly reason why we should be any different than our friends. In fact, we have no guarantee that we won't do something as foolish one day. It's only God's preserving grace that helps any of us avoid any sin at all. And it's amazing grace that rescues us when we are not preserved.

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