It's not that I think we should blame other people for our sin, the article (I think rightly) says that this is a way of trying to justify ourselves. But I don't think blaming ourselves will help, then we end up feeling condemned, guilty, and ashamed. We feel the need for atonement and justification if we start 'taking the blame' for our sin, which, if we are already believers, will only highlight the fact that we really don't have faith in the finished work of Jesus, why else would we be running back to the cross expecting to find a suffering Saviour still hanging there, newly nailed up by our most recent failure?
When we blame Jesus for our sin we realize we are free and clear. He's taken ALL our blame, he was made to be sin for us. The answer to our finger-pointing problem is to come out from under the law and receive mercy from our father in heaven, mercy triumphs over judgement. Believe that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, a righteousness from God apart from works of the law and you'll stop worrying why you sinned and start thanking him he's is not counting your sins against you. You have a righteousness that is by faith from first to last and cannot be tarnished by your mistakes, no matter how terrible they may be. When you realize Jesus has been blamed for all your sin and God is not pointing the finger at you, you begin to relax and stop pointing the finger at anyone else.
So I'm blaming somebody else for my sin, after all, that's what he wants! Next time you feel condemned for something you did wrong or didn't do right, point your finger to Jesus and say "He took it and he's already been punished for it... IT IS FINSHED!!!!!"
You are free.
Amen! This is one of those statements that would stir up some agitation amongst some Christian circles, it sounds so radical, but the reality is - it's simply true, He didn't go through all He did for us to be back stuck on our sin.....keep preachin' it!!!!
This is the wisdom of God that such a radical post title can also expound the basic truth of Christianity. We are humble in God's eye that we blame Jesus for our sin. You sure make good coffee with strong aroma of grace!
Well I think the word "blame" goes a bit too far! Anyone who willingly took punishment for actions for which they were truly to blame would only be balancing the scales. There would be no redemptive aspect to such an act. It was Christ's perfect blamelessness that allowed him to take away the punishment that would otherwise have fallen on us.
But I understand your use of it as an attention-grabber! And your exposition that follows makes your point quite clear, despite my quibble on "blame."
thanks all for the comments. Alan, I checked out your blog and it's great, look forward to reading more...
Every time I visit your blog, I will stop at this post time after time... Every time I read through this post, I just feel like taking a spiritual bath, my spirit is refreshed all over again.
Yes, point to Jesus, He had taken all our sins...
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